Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bring It On... No, Wait... Don't

So just a quickie to let you know whats going on.  The hubbs birthday is Friday and my daughters birthday is Monday so, of course my in-laws are having a party for them on Sunday.  I don't understand.  They know how I am yet every time they invite us up to their house (which is about an hour and a half away) they invite the entire family.  Yay!  A crowd of people that don't talk to me because I'm fucking nutts.  When the plans were made I was coming with every excuse in the book why we shouldn't go.  Nope.  Didn't work.  I'm really starting the feel the anxiety of having to leave the house.  Saturday afternoon the diarrhea and vomiting should set in.  Today I've started rocking myself.  Scratching.  Pulling hair.  No crying yet, though.  That's good.

I'm really not looking forward to this but how can I miss a birthday party for my daughter.  "I love you sweetie, but not enough to go to Nana's house".  They get shitty presents up there anyways.  Last time my daughter got a package of underwear so big that I could have tucked my bottom lip into them if I wore them.  "Wow, Thanks!  This is just what I needed *cough* *cough* stupid bitch *cough* *cough*."

Well, here it goes.  I'm strapping myself into the roller coaster.


1 comment:

  1. I just love family get togethers. No, seriously I do but I am a people person.

    Anyhow, the underwear sound lovely but I hope your daughter gets something nice. Aghhh, to have to see the in-laws. Mine are 500 miles away and I think I like that.
