It was originally diagnosed as postpartum depression with numerous diagnosises (is that right? Is "diagnosises" a word?) since then. When our son was a baby I was unable to care for him and never wanted the hubbs to leave my side. My family was very supportive by caring for the kids and what-not but it wasn't long until Larry had to leave his job because of my problems.
Wow. There is really a lot more to that. Maybe I'll talk about that one day.
After a year I was on meds and receiving therapy and we thought it would be a good idea for me to work. So I got a job. Then another one. Then another one. The last one lasted 3 or 4 years and I did okay at work. Had my moments but they were understanding. Home life sucked. I would come home crying and go to bed. Somewhere during those years I was finally diagnosed as Bipolar type 2, with my meds constantly changing since this all began.
Did I mention, I LOVE to sleep! It's my favorite activity. Ask my kids, they'll tell ya.
So I left a perfectly good job for another one making more $$. I completely flipped out there. I think at my "good" job, I felt safe. People knew what was wrong with me and took care of me. Plus, I am more comfortable with men and I was surrounded by them there. The job I flipped at was mostly all women. I knew it was not going to be a good fit, but I went anyways.
The men comment... No, I'm not sleeping with them. But I am a disgusting perv that likes to talk about my sexcapades with my hubbs, dirty jokes, football and I cuss like a sailor. (Actually I've dated a sailor that told me my mouth was worse than one.) I'm not into fashion, hair, shoes, makeup, purses, mani/pedi's. I own 3 pairs of shoes. My "working in the yard" flip flops, my "everyday" flip flops, and my "dressy" flip flops. I haven't put a pair of socks on in years, nor shoes that cover my toes. I just don't give a shit about that stuff and have no interest in a conversation that includes it. Don't get me wrong, I do have female friends, but I'm not especially close to any but maybe 1 or 2 of them. And for that matter I haven't seen them in years. I only have one friend that I try to see and talk to and that is John Dillinger. Besides my hubbs, he's my bestie.
Bla bla bla. Anyhow, I left that job and was unable to work for a while. Got another job and walked out on that one and haven't worked since. I've been Baker Acted a couple of times, have had several suicide attempts and just recently went through 9 rounds of Electro Convulsive Therapy.
And that is it in a nut shell. Here I am. I'm unable to work because I hate being near people, I have a short attention span (took me forever to type this - I keep getting side tracked), I have an awful memory because of the ECT's, I don't retain information, bla bla bla. Oh, and because I'm fucking crazy.
I didn't really get into any of my crazy "episodes"... Not really sure what is going to go into the blog. I'm sure I will at some point.
You are doing a great job. You will know what goes into your blog once you read what was posted. You, my love, own this blog... you can put anything you want, whenever you want, however you want... and it is right! Thank you for sharing with me - it will help me to have a better understanding of what you are going through. Maybe I will become more in touch with mine and share more with you... and then again, maybe not. Will have to read what I write to see what goes there!!! LOL Love ya.