I cry at the drop of the hat for no apparent reason.
I sleep a LOT. Have I mentioned how much I love sleeping?
I don't like to be around people so we don't have friends and when we have to go to a family function - forget it. That is miserable for everyone. My hubby and daughter end up babysitting me.
I don't clean, do dishes, sweep the floor, do laundry, dust... you get the idea.
I have issues with leaving the house at all. If I do have to leave the house (which is very seldom, thank God) I'll be done for the day.
I'm sure there is more, that is just a quick list off the top of my head. I know if it were me, I would have left my ass years ago. I've had my good moments, like during my mania. I'm a freakin blast when I'm manic - but I am usually in the dark pit of doom of bipolar lows.
I really shouldn't question it, though. I don't want to give him the idea or maybe he'll ask "Was that an option?"
My planned death, when I'm not suicidal, is for hubbs and I to be run over by a beer truck on our way to the liquor store. We, of course, will be in a drunken stupor. If for some reason it doesn't work like this and he goes before me, I'm sure I will be shuffled from family member to family member until everyone is sick of me and then placed in some sort of long term institution. I hope it's some young hottie giving me sponge baths.
So after 11 years of hell and I've been able to hold on to him. He is really great with me. Never complains or gets mad at me for my inabilities.
He's right where I want him.
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